I worked with Robin as part of the project to launch paperchase.co.uk - Rob's official title was eCommerce designer, and he had an excellent eye for detail in the wire frames and visual design of the site. However, Rob's talents went much further than that and Rob was a key member of the team. He organised the digital asset management tool to ensure a clear process around the uploading of images onto the site, worked with the logistics team to ensure key products were available on the site and worked with the in house design team to manage all of the content (home page, hero images, etc).
Under his own initiative, he then went on to setup and manage the Facebook and Twitter sites and grew the number of fans and followers on both platforms.
Rob is a great all rounder who can get involved in the detail when required. However, Rob is also able to come out of the detail and propose ideas that provide real business value. Jevern Partridge, Professional eCommerce Leader, Ridge Solutions Limited